About Us

An Integrative Approach to Safe, Reliable, and Effective Healthcare Under One Roof

At Hudson Integrative Healthcare, our specialized team offers naturopathic care, chiropractic care, osteopathy, massage therapy, and psychotherapy services in one warm, comfortable environment in Downtown Stoney Creek. We work closely with individuals across Stoney Creek and surrounding cities, to educate you about your body, guide you toward a life filled with more strength, energy, and improved health. No matter where you're at, we take the time to get to know you and listen to your health concerns, so you will never feel like just a number. With a shared goal of providing compassionate, reliable, and effective integrative care that treats the root cause of your symptoms, our team is united by our mission to help you not only get well but stay well.

Meet Dr Melanie Hudson ND

In medical appointments growing up, I remember being told that I was “young and healthy” and wishing that my concerns were validated and supported. While studying medical sciences in University and applying to conventional medical schools, I imagined how I would do it differently one day. When I discovered naturopathic doctors, I instantly knew it was the career I’d been imaging for how I wanted to support people

When I founded Hudson Integrative Healthcare with the help of my husband, clinic owner, and Operations Manager Sean Kosak, my goal was to create a comfortable space where people can get help filling in the gaps of conventional healthcare and enjoy being cared for by a well-rounded team of health professionals under one roof. It brings me joy to help people achieve improved health, navigate their healthcare options, and discover how to use natural medicine and manual therapies to reverse and prevent disease!

get to know dr. melanie

Filling in the Gaps of Conventional Healthcare to Help Patients Get the Best of Both

About Our Clinic

From the moment you’re welcomed into our clinic by our friendly reception staff, our team is here to provide you with the comfortable, supportive environment you need to heal. At Hudson Integrative Healthcare, we make sure you get the care you need 12 hours a day, including evenings and alternating weekends. With our accessible ground-level entrance, online booking calendar and patient portal, direct billing, and telemedicine options, our Stoney Creek-based clinic makes getting well and staying well easier. Providing naturopathic care, chiropractic care, osteopathy, massage therapy and psychotherapy services under one roof, our well-versed team of specialized health professionals collaborate with you, your current healthcare providers, and one another to help individuals and families across the Stoney Creek, Hamilton and surrounding areas achieve the quality of life they deserve.

Academic History

University of Toronto​: Master of Education, Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy
University of Guelph: Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
University of Toronto: Factor-Inwentash School of Social Work and The Canadian Centre for Bereavement Education and Grief Counselling; Bereavement Education Certificate​
Center for Loss and Life Transition: Comprehensive Bereavement Skills Certificate

Recognition & Awards

Since opening our clinic doors in 2018, our team has won over 40 top Reader's Choice Awards voted from our community. Thank you all for your support!

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Hamilton Spectator Reader's Choice Awards 2022 


Hamilton Spectator Reader's Choice Awards 2021 


  • ARENA M.OMSc. 

Hamilton Spectator Reader's Choice Awards 2020


Hamilton Spectator Reader's Choice Awards 2019

  • Hamilton Community News Reader's Choice Awards 2019

Meet Our Team

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dr. Melanie hudson nd


dr. meaghan bradica nd

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Dr. Melanie Hudson ND

Dr. Hudson is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of patients, guiding them towards health and more joyful lives through a personalized and integrative approach to their supportive healthcare.

“I believe that with the right information, inspiration, and tailored care plan, we are all capable of achieving healing and optimal health. Since establishing Hudson Integrative Healthcare alongside my husband Sean Kosak, I have been committed to creating a multidisciplinary space that supports people with healthy living strategies, preventative natural medicine, and exceptional hands-on care.”

Dr. Hudson enjoys working with patients of all ages and stages of life and has been supporting her patients and community with naturopathic medicine for over a decade. Her expertise primarily lies in addressing concerns related to digestion, thyroid management, hormone balancing, anxiety, energy levels, stress, burnout, allergies, food sensitivities metabolic and cardiovascular conditions (both management and prevention), as well as optimizing fertility and pregnancy and ensuring healthy starts for infants and children.


Dr. Hudson is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, where she obtained a four-year post-graduate Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) degree. After graduating and completing the naturopathic board and licensing exams, Dr Hudson also completed the Ontario Prescribing Exam, enabling her to prescribe Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Dr. Hudson is dedicated to both her patients and to her own continuing education in the functional medicine healthcare field. 

Dr. Hudson is a professional member in good standing with the Canadian Association of
Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and a practicing
member of the College of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario (CONO).


Professional Affiliations

Academic History

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree 2014
University of Western Ontario, Honours Bachelor of Science degree with a Major in Medical Sciences and Major in Biology 2010

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OAND: Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors
CAND: Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors
CONO: College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario 


Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2023

Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
Diamond Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Gold Winner | Best Holistic Health/Healing
Gold Winner | Best Medical/Health Services

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2022

Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Platinum Winner | Best Nutritional Services
Diamond Winner | Best Weight Control Services
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Melanie Hudson ND
Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2021

Diamond Winner | Best Acupuncture
Gold Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing
Diamond Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Platinum Winner | Best Nutritional Services
Gold Winner | Best Weight Control Services
Gold Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Melanie Hudson ND

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2020

Diamond Winner | Best Acupuncture
Diamond Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing
Diamond Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Diamond Winner | Best Nutritional Services
Diamond Winner | Best Weight Control Services
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Melanie Hudson ND
Gold Winner | Best Acupuncturist | Dr. Melanie Hudson ND

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2019

Diamond Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Platinum Winner | Best Nutritional Services
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Melanie Hudson ND

Hamilton Community News Readers' Choice Awards 2019

Diamond Winner | Best New Business
Diamond Winner | Best Naturopathic Doctor | Dr. Melanie Hudson ND

Commonly supported patient Concerns

Adult men and women
Pregnancy, postpartum and newborn

Commonly supported patient Populations

  • Acute infections (cold/flu support)
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Blood sugar & metabolic Health (insulin resistance, excess body fat, high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, CVD, CAD, MI) prevention and support
  • Digestion (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBD, IBS, SIBO)
  • Emotional well-being (anxiety, depression)
  • Fertility optimizing (women and men)
  • Hormonal health (energy levels, adrenals)
  • Men's health
  • Menstrual cycle (irregular periods, dysmenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.)
  • Pain management (arthritis, MSK injuries, headaches, inflammation)
  • Perimenopause / menopausal changes
  • Perinatal and pregnancy support
  • Postpartum and newborn care
  • Preventative aging
  • Stress and burnout
  • Thyroid concerns and conditions
  • Weight management
  • Women's health
  • Naturopathic consultations including clinical assessments and diagnosis
  • Routine lab test ordering
  • Specialized lab test ordering
  • Nutrition and lifestyle counseling
  • Naturopathic medicine recommendations (including vitamins and supplements)
  • Acupuncture treatments

Additionally certified to:
  • Administer vitamin B12 injections
  • Prescribe bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) incl. NDT
  • Offer facial rejuvenation and cosmetic acupuncture

Dr. Meaghan Bradica, ND

Dr. Meaghan is on a mission to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey toward optimal health. She dives deep into your health history to uncover the root cause of your concerns and identify what obstacles are preventing you from becoming your happiest and healthiest self.

Dr. Meaghan understands that making changes to better your health can feel challenging and overwhelming at times. Therefore, she’s extremely passionate about helping you take small, yet impactful steps toward your health goals.

Some of the concerns Dr. Meaghan commonly supports include hormones; digestion; energy; stress; anxiety; pain; inflammation. 


Dr. Meaghan obtained her Doctor of Naturopathy degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto. During her fourth year, she completed her clinical internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic and the Brampton Naturopathic Teaching Clinic. In combination with her studies, she volunteered with the Naturopaths Without Borders organization, where she travelled to Haiti and Mexico to provide naturopathic care to individuals in underprivileged communities. After graduation and her successful completion of the naturopathic licensing exams, Dr. Meaghan completed the Ontario Prescribing and Therapeutics Exam, enabling her to administer vitamin B12 injections and prescribe Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Before starting her naturopathic journey, she also obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology at the University of Maine while playing on their NCAA Division 1 soccer team!

Dr. Bradica is a professional member in good standing with the Canadian Association of
Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and a practicing
member of the College of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario (CONO).


Professional Affiliations

OAND: Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors
CAND: Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors
CONO: College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario

Academic History

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine: Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree
University of Maine: Honours Bachelor of Science degree; Major in Kinesiology

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Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2023

Diamond Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Meaghan Bradica ND
Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncturist | Dr. Meaghan Bradica ND
Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
Diamond Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Gold Winner | Best Holistic Health/Healing
Gold Winner | Best Medical/Health Services

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2022

  • Diamond Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Meaghan Bradica ND
  • Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
  • Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
  • Platinum Winner | Best Nutritional Services
  • Diamond Winner | Best Weight Control Services

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2021 

  • Diamond Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Meaghan Bradica ND
  • Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncturist | Dr. Meaghan Bradica ND
  • Diamond Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic/Services
  • Diamond Winner | Best Acupuncture
  • Platinum Winner | Best Nutritional Services
  • Gold Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2020 

  • Diamond Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Meaghan Bradica ND
  • Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncturist | Dr. Meaghan Bradica ND
  • Diamond Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic/Services
  • Diamond Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing
  • Diamond Winner | Best Acupuncture
  • Diamond Winner: Best Nutritional Services 

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2019

  • Diamond Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic

Commonly supported patient Concerns

Adult women
Teens (13+)

Commonly supported patient Populations

  • Acute infections (cold/flu support)
  • Athlete and fitness goals
  • Blood sugar & metabolic health (insulin resistance, excess body fat, high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, CVD, CAD, MI) prevention and support
  • Digestion (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBD, IBS, SIBO)
  • Emotional well-being (anxiety, depression)
  • Hormonal health (energy levels, adrenals)
  • Menstrual cycle (irregular periods, dysmenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.)
  • Pain management (arthritis, MSK injuries, headaches, inflammation)
  • Perimenopause / menopausal changes
  • Preventative aging
  • Skin concerns (acne/eczema)
  • Stress and burnout
  • Thyroid concerns and conditions
  • Weight management
  • Women's health
  • Naturopathic consultations including clinical assessments and diagnosis
  • Routine lab test ordering
  • Specialized lab test ordering
  • Nutrition and lifestyle counseling
  • Naturopathic medicine recommendations (including vitamins and supplements)
  • Acupuncture treatments

Additionally certified to:
  • Administer vitamin B12 injections
  • Prescribe bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) incl. NDT
  • Offer facial rejuvenation and cosmetic acupuncture

Dr. Shelly Linehan, ND

After graduating from the University of Western Ontario, I began my journey into Naturopathic medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic medicine. Since graduating in 2003, I have worked in a number of different environments and with an amazing spectrum of patients – from chronic pain, high level athletes, fertility, pediatric and prenatal to addictions and withdrawal management focused on biopsychosocial approaches to recovery. Seeing the changes that can happen in someone’s health and happiness is what guided me to this field all those years ago.

My experience with all these different patients taught me that everyone is at a different place in their healthcare journey. I love the challenge of meeting people where they’re at and creating a plan with them that fosters meaningful change in the direction they want to move. I focus on what I believe most of us in North America are missing: balance.


Dr. Linehan graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an HBSc in Biology with a double major in Zoology and Genetics. She then went on to attend the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine program in Toronto, receiving her Naturopathic Medical degree in 2003. After her completion of the Ontario Prescribing Exam, she also obtained her license to prescribe BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and administer injection therapies. Throughout her training, Dr Linehans’ love of health, fitness and the natural world around her lead to a number of other certifications and qualifications, some of which include her personal training certification, yoga instructor certification, and the completion of her Natural Animal Health care certification.  

Dr. Linehan is a professional member in good standing with the Canadian Association of
Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and a practicing
member of the College of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario (CONO).


Professional Affiliations and Recognition

OAND (Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors)
CAND (Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors)
CONO (College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario)

Academic History

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine degree (ND) 2003
University of Western Ontario Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology (double major in Zoology and Gentics) 1999

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continuing education

Yoga Instructor Certification
Natural Animal Health Care Certification​​


Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2023

Gold Winner | Best Naturopath | Dr. Shelly Linehan ND
Gold Winner | Best Acupuncturist | Dr. Shelly Linehan ND
Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
Diamond Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Gold Winner | Best Holistic Health/Healing
Gold Winner | Best Medical/Health Services

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2022

Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Platinum Winner | Best Nutritional Services
Diamond Winner | Best Weight Control Services

Commonly supported patient Concerns

Adult men and women
Pregnancy, postpartum and newborn
Children (infant - 13 years old)

Commonly supported patient Populations

  • Acute infections (cold/flu support)
  • Addiction
  • Athlete and fitness goals
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Blood sugar & metabolic health (insulin resistance, excess body fat, high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, CVD, CAD, MI) prevention and support
  • Children’s health
  • Digestion (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBD, IBS, SIBO)
  • Emotional well-being (anxiety, depression)
  • Fertility optimizing (women and men)
  • Hormonal health (energy levels, adrenals)
  • Menstrual cycle (irregular periods, dysmenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.)
  • Pain management (arthritis, MSK injuries, headaches, inflammation)
  • Perimenopause / menopausal changes
  • Perinatal and pregnancy support
  • Postpartum and newborn care
  • Preventative aging
  • Stress and burnout
  • Thyroid concerns and conditions
  • Weight management
  • Women's health
  • Naturopathic consultations including clinical assessments and diagnosis
  • Routine lab test ordering
  • Specialized lab test ordering
  • Nutrition and lifestyle counseling
  • Naturopathic medicine recommendations (including vitamins and supplements)
  • Acupuncture treatments

Additionally certified to:
  • Administer vitamin B12 injections
  • Prescribe bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) incl. NDT

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dr. raisa dacosta nd

dr. natalie stradiotto nd

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dr. Madeleine elton nd

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Dr. Raisa DaCosta, ND

Dr. DaCosta believes that the human body is capable of healing when the body, mind and spirit are aligned.
She enjoys empowering her patients to create small, yet sustainable changes within their daily lives to
optimize their health and healing.

Her services include individualized treatment plans with detailed goal
setting, targeted supplementation, herbal tinctures/ teas, dietary recommendations, acupuncture and
any further investigation through lab testing. She especially enjoys treating digestive concerns, female
hormonal health, skin concerns, burnout, sleep issues and preventive care.

"My passion for naturopathic medicine stems from my reverence for the human body and the human
spirit. I believe that each individual has within them the power to heal through intention and creating
sustainable changes within their lives to optimize health and healing. When we feel healthy and well in
our bodies, we can live fulfilling lives. Naturopathic care is holistic; it encompasses nutrition, optimal digestion, sleep, movement, self-care, mental and emotional wellbeing, stress management, and holistic practices that nourish the body, mind and spirit. As a naturopathic doctor, my goal is to create a space for patients to learn how to understand and listen to their bodies so that they can be empowered to make the best choices for achieving optimal health."


Dr. DaCosta obtained her Doctor of Naturopathy degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic
Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto. During her fourth year, Dr. Raisa completed her clinical internship at the
Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic, the Brampton Teaching Clinic and the Integrative Cancer Care (ICC).

Dr. DaCosta is a professional member in good standing with the Canadian Association of
Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and a practicing
member of the College of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario (CONO).


Professional Affiliations

OAND: Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors
CAND: Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors
CONO: College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario

Academic History

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree
Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, Holistic Nutritionist Diploma

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Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2023

Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
Diamond Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Gold Winner | Best Holistic Health/Healing
Gold Winner | Best Medical/Health Services

Commonly supported patient Concerns

Adult women
Teens (13+)

Commonly supported patient Populations

  • Acute infections (cold/flu support)
  • Blood sugar & metabolic health (insulin resistance, excess body fat, high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, CVD, CAD, MI) prevention and support
  • Digestion (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBD, IBS, SIBO)
  • Emotional well-being (anxiety, depression)
  • Hormonal health (energy levels, adrenals)
  • Menstrual cycle (irregular periods, dysmenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.)
  • Mental health conditions
  • Pain management (arthritis, MSK injuries, headaches, inflammation)
  • Perimenopause / menopausal changes
  • Preventative aging
  • Skin concerns (acne/eczema)
  • Stress and burnout
  • Thyroid concerns and conditions
  • Weight management
  • Women's health
  • Naturopathic consultations including clinical assessments and diagnosis
  • Routine lab test ordering
  • Specialized lab test ordering
  • Nutrition and lifestyle counseling
  • Naturopathic medicine recommendations (including vitamins and supplements)
  • Acupuncture treatments

Additionally certified to:
  • Offer facial rejuvenation and cosmetic acupuncture

Dr. Natalie Stradiotto, ND

"I truly believe in working with patients to help identify the root cause of their health condition while utilizing evidence-based naturopathic medicine to assess, treat and prevent disease. I believe health education is a valuable component to overall health and acknowledge the importance of collaborative health care, while ensuring all patients continue to be an active member in their health journey

Dr. Natalie welcomes and accepts all patients with general health concerns and utilizes evidence based naturopathic medicine to help optimize the health of her patients with a focus on implementing long-term and sustainable lifestyle changes and treatment plans.

Dr. Natalie completed her undergraduate degree at Western University, obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, where she then worked in the clinical nutrition department at Credit Valley Hospital and the Diabetes Management Centre, located in Mississauga. Dr. Natalie then decided to study a 4 year Naturopathic Medicine Doctor degree at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM), located in Toronto. In addition to her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Dr. Natalie has also successfully completed her Holistic Nutrition designation. 


Dr. Stradiotto obtained her Doctor of Naturopathy degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto. During her fourth year, Dr. Stradiotto completed her clinical internship and fertility focus shift at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic as well as the Brampton Hospital Naturopathic Teaching Clinic

Dr. Stradiotto is a professional member in good standing with the Canadian Association of
Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and a practicing member of the College of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario (CONO).


Professional Affiliations and Recognition

OAND (Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors)
CAND (Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors)
CONO (College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario)

Academic History

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree
University of Western Ontario, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
Institute of Holistic Nutrition

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Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2023

Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
Diamond Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Gold Winner | Best Holistic Health/Healing
Gold Winner | Best Medical/Health Services
Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2022

Platinum Winner | Best Acupuncture
Platinum Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic / Services
Platinum Winner | Best Nutritional Services
Diamond Winner | Best Weight Control Services

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2021

Diamond Winner | Best Naturopathic Clinic/Services
Diamond Winner | Best Acupuncture
Platinum Winner | Best Nutritional Services
Gold Winner | Best Alternative Medicine/Healing

Commonly supported patient Concerns

Adult women
Pregnancy, postpartum and newborn

Commonly supported patient Populations

  • Acute infections (cold/flu support)
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Blood sugar & metabolic health (insulin resistance, excess body fat, high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, CVD, CAD, MI) prevention and support
  • Children’s health
  • Digestion (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBD, IBS, SIBO)
  • Emotional well-being (anxiety, depression)
  • Fertility optimizing (women and men)
  • Hormonal health (energy levels, adrenals)
  • Menstrual cycle (irregular periods, dysmenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.)
  • Pain management (arthritis, MSK injuries, headaches, inflammation)
  • Perimenopause / menopausal changes
  • Perinatal and pregnancy support
  • Postpartum and newborn care
  • Preventative aging
  • Skin concerns (acne/eczema)
  • Sleep concerns and insomnia conditions
  • Stress and burnout
  • Thyroid concerns and conditions
  • Weight management
  • Women's health
  • Naturopathic consultations including clinical assessments and diagnosis - via phone or video consult.
  • Routine lab test ordering
  • Specialized lab test ordering
  • Nutrition and lifestyle counseling
  • Naturopathic medicine recommendations (including vitamins and supplements)

Dr. Madeleine Elton, ND

Dr. Madeleine Elton, ND has fifteen years of experience in the healthcare field, originally training as a Registered Nurse in Ontario. She has a focus on treating anxiety, depression and reproductive health (including fertility, sexual health, pregnancy and menstrual health). Using evidence-based medicine, Madeleine brings a trauma-informed, inclusive and collaborative approach to her care with clients.

Madeleine is described as calm, kind and intelligent, and brings an open curiosity to her interactions to allow others to feel at ease being exactly who they are. Her treatment plans are tailored to meet the individual needs of her clients, with the goal of each treatment plan to be both realistic and successful. When she isn’t working you can find her hanging out with her husband and her two young kids, exploring all of the green spaces in and around Hamilton.


Dr. Madeleine Elton, ND obtained her Doctor of Naturopathy degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto. During her fourth year, Dr. Madeleine Elton, ND completed her clinical internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic and was selected to be on the Fertility Focus Shift.

Dr. Madeleine Elton, ND is a professional member in good standing with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and a practicing member of the College of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario (CONO).


Professional Affiliations and Recognition

OAND (Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors)
CAND (Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors)
CONO (College of Naturopathic Doctors of Ontario)

Academic History

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree
Ryerson University Bachelor of Science in Nursing

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Commonly supported patient Concerns

Adults, Teenagers, Elderly
Members of the LGBTQIA+ community

Commonly supported patient Populations

  • Acute infections (cold/flu support)
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Blood sugar & metabolic health (insulin resistance, excess body fat, high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, CVD, CAD, MI) prevention and support
  • Children’s health
  • Digestion (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBD, IBS, SIBO)
  • Emotional well-being (anxiety, depression)
  • Fertility optimizing (women and men)
  • Hormonal health (energy levels, adrenals)
  • Menstrual cycle (irregular periods, dysmenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.)
  • Pain management (arthritis, MSK injuries, headaches, inflammation)
  • Perimenopause / menopausal changes
  • Perinatal and pregnancy support
  • Postpartum and newborn care
  • Preventative aging
  • Skin concerns (acne/eczema)
  • Sleep concerns and insomnia conditions
  • Stress and burnout
  • Thyroid concerns and conditions
  • Weight management
  • Women's health

  • Naturopathic consultations including clinical assessments and diagnosis
  • Routine lab test ordering
  • Specialized lab test ordering
  • Nutrition and lifestyle counseling
  • Naturopathic medicine recommendations (including vitamins and supplements)
  • Acupuncture treatments

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dr. kate o'hare dc

dr. john varga dc

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Dr. Kate O'Hare, DC

As a Chiropractic Doctor, I provide safe and effective chiropractic care that facilitates the body’s natural ability to heal for families across the Hamilton area. Whether you have a busy or sedentary lifestyle or you’re the weekend warrior-type, the stressors we experience day-to-day influence how we move and the whole body functions. Chiropractic care keeps you and your whole family healthy naturally so everyone can keep playing, laughing, working, and wrangling all the family events. With particular experience with children and infants, pregnant women, and athletes (especially runners), I’m dedicated to providing solutions, hope, and certainty so you can experience the freedom of health and movement. 

I believe that each patient needs to feel like their healthcare provider is their ally, which is why I’m passionate about creating a safe and happy place for you to feel heard. Outside of chiropractic care, I will take any opportunity to get outside (even during the winter, though I used to hate it)! I am an avid runner, a coach for the Learn to Run running group, and a rollerblader. Though I like to stay active, any attempt to play an organized sport is hindered by my lack of coordination and my two left feet. Other than staying active, I love to cook with ingredients from my garden (Jamie Oliver is my go-to chef) and am a pet-lover, so pet stories are always welcome!


Dr Kate obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree with a specialization in Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario before pursuing the 4-year doctorate Chiropractic program at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in Toronto. In addition, she has undergone training to be certified in Webster Technique and pediatric chiropractic care through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), Thompson and Diversified techniques, and Functional Range (FR) mobility specialist. 


  • Assessment and diagnosis of neuromusculoskeletal (nMSK) conditions related to the spine, nervous system, and joints/muscles
  • Prevention, treatment, and/or co-management of nMSK conditions with a special interest in headaches and pregnancy-related low back pain
  • Spinal manipulative therapy and extremity manipulative therapy, including adjustments and diversified techniques
  • Soft tissue therapies: myofascial release and trigger point techniques
  • Prescription of rehabilitation and therapeutic exercises, including prenatal and postpartum

Professional Affiliations

Licensed with the College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO)

Academic History

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), Toronto, ON: Doctor of Chiropractic degree
University of Western Ontario (UWO), London, ON: Bachelor of Arts Degree, Specialization in Kinesiology

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Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2021​: Gold Winner, Best Chiropractic Clinic

continuing education

Webster Technique certification: International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA)
Pediatric chiropractic training: International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA)
Thompson and Diversified techniques
Functional Range (FR) certified practitioner and Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) mobility specialist for mobility assessment and training.

Dr. John Varga, DC

Growing up in Hamilton, I have been a trusted chiropractor in the area for over 20 years. Bringing this experience to Hudson Integrative Healthcare, I offer prenatal natural care, post natal natural care, and chiropractic care for professional athletes and everyone in between! As a friendly and outgoing professional, I dedicate the time and care to help you understand the nature and source of your pain. With a focus on nutrition, injuries, prevention, and rehabilitation, I provide various techniques for ongoing wellness. In fact, my first patient ever is still a regular maintenance patient at the clinic! 

Outside of chiropractic care, family time is extremely important to me. I love spending time at the cottage, travelling, dirt bike racing, and whipping up the latest culinary speciality. While chiropractic care is my passion, when I’m not working or spending time with loved ones, I am actively involved in the community as a minor hockey official.

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Despite having a pharmaceutical chemistry degree, Dr Varga always wanted to be a chiropractor. In 1998, he graduated from the New York Chiropractic College and won the Clinic Award for excellence demonstrated in areas of diagnosis and patient care, an early indicator of the kind of treatment he would come to provide. In 1999, he set up his first clinic in Hamilton and expanded to Stoney Creek in 2008.


First, Dr Varga will meet with you for an initial assessment and diagnosis of your pain related to the back, joints, headaches, aching muscles, wrists, or knees. There are many ways in which to treat, so Dr Varga will review your treatment plan with you to address your specific needs. 

Generally, treatment will include spinal or manual therapy which combines spinal movement, massage, exercise, and physical therapy or laser and ultrasound. These treatments are designed to relieve pressure, reduce inflammation, improve your nerve function, relax trigger points for pain relief, and ongoing wellness. If you are an expectant mother or post-natal, he will provide you with specialized care designed for mothers and babies.

Professional Affiliations

Ontario Chiropractic Association (OCA)
Active member of the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA)
Licensed with the College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO)

Academic History

New York Chiropractic College, Seneca Falls, NY, 1998: Doctor of Chiropractic, Doctorate
Canadian and US Board Certified Chiropractor
Class VP and Creative Editor, Impulse magazine​
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, 1992: Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry​


Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2021: Gold Winner, Best Chiropractic Clinic

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lauren arena, M.OMSc


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Lauren Arena M.OMSc

Using a principles-based approach to treatment, I am a licensed Osteopathic Manual Practitioner that uses manual manipulation to restore your body’s alignment and ability to naturally heal and self-regulate. Focusing on the interrelation of the body's systems for holistic and effective results, I use Osteopathic manual therapy to improve musculoskeletal issues, sports-related injuries, sciatica, digestion, reproductive health, postural imbalance, and lymphatic drainage. I began my rehabilitative journey working as a personal trainer and completing a 4-month physiotherapy internship at the French-Vietnamese Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2013. Despite successes in this field, many of my clients were limited by injury and pain when striving toward their goals. After noticing this, I started learning more about rehabilitation by volunteering at clinics including the Athletic Club in Toronto and completed a Strength and Conditioning Internship at McMaster University. While working alongside athletes and their healthcare practitioners, I realized that rehabilitation is not a one-size-fits-all.

In 2016, I was accepted to the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy and embarked on a challenging yet rewarding journey of learning alternative ways of healing the body on a deeper physiological and anatomical level. With 1000 hours of practical hands-on experience and volunteer work completed, I honed my skills and began working in a professional clinical setting in 2019. Ever since, I have been dedicated to providing pain relief for my patients with holistic and gentle manual natural therapy. When I am not practising osteopathy, I enjoy playing hockey and soccer, being surrounded by nature and being a plant mom! 

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Lauren graduated from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy with a Master in Practice of Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences. With over 8 years of education focusing on human anatomy and physiology and an extensive background in the biomechanics of the body, patients can rest assured knowing that they will receive gentle, evidence-based care.


Lauren offers Osteopath manual treatments incorporating the classical principles of application 
for various techniques, including myofascial release, facilitated positional release, strain/counter strain, ligamentous articular release, muscle energy, and long and short level approach.

Professional Affiliations

Ontario Osteopathic Association (OOA)
Osteopathy Canada (OstCan)
Member of Ontario Osteopathic Association, which has the highest standard of osteopathic education in Ontario, meaning that if you’re seeking extended health coverage for osteopathic treatment, you can be reimbursed for your treatment according to your health benefit plan policy.

Academic History

Canadian Academy of Osteopathy: Master in Practice of Osteopathic Manipulative Science Diploma (4 Years Full-time)
University of Guelph: Bachelor of Science, Major in Human Kinetics​


Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2020:
Diamond Winner, Best Osteopathic Manual Practitioner
Diamond Winner, Best Osteopathic Clinic 
Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2020: Diamond Winner, Best Osteopathic Clinic 
Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2019: Platinum Winner, Best Osteopathic Clinic

Sunny Ho, M.OMSc

As a licensed Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, I believe in the body’s innate ability to self-heal when its structural integrity is brought to balance. When the body is balanced, it can provide nutrients and nourishment to the areas of the body that were previously deprived to prevent further development of disease. Therefore, the collective function of our muscles, joints, organs, and neurovascular systems working in harmony is essential for our health with less dependency on pharmaceuticals! To facilitate the health of individuals with acute and chronic issues, I use principle-based manual techniques to address muscular pains and strains, improper lymphatic drainage, joint pain, pelvic pain, neck and back pain, visceral discomfort, digestive issues, stress and anxiety, pregnancy care, posture, and many more! In particular, I work with pregnant individuals for prenatal natural care, athletes involved in rotational sports, powerlifters and bodybuilders.

During my undergraduate at McMaster University, I discovered that my true passion was helping others. While volunteering in the prosthetic and orthotic department at Hamilton Health sciences, I was moved by the excitement of patients as they were being nurtured and cared for. Sharing and celebrating their joy shaped my path to becoming an Osteopathic Practitioner. Outside of practising osteopathy, I enjoy meditating daily and spending time in nature hiking, backpacking, and chasing waterfalls. Fun fact about me: I know how to perform card magic!

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Sunny graduated from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy with a Master in Practice Diploma of Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences with over 1000 hours of practical hands-on training. Before undergoing osteopathy training, Sunny obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in the Molecular Bio and Genetics Program at McMaster University. In addition, he mentors students as their preceptor and educates groups about the assessment and professional clinic setting!


Manual osteopathic treatments that incorporate the classic principles of application, including myofascial release, facilitated positional release, strain/counter strain, ligamentous articular release, muscle energy, and long and short lever approach.

Professional Affiliations

Ontario Osteopathic Association (OOA)
Osteopathy Canada (OstCan)
Member of Ontario Osteopathic Association, which has the highest standard of osteopathic education in Ontario, meaning that if you’re seeking extended health coverage for osteopathic treatment, you can be reimbursed according to your health benefit plan policy!

Academic History

Canadian Academy of Osteopathy: Master in Practice Diploma of Osteopathic Manipulative Science Diploma (4 Years Full-time)
McMaster University: Bachelor of Science Degree, Molecular Bio and Genetics Program


Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2020​: Diamond Winner, Best Osteopathic Clinic 
Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2020: Diamond Winner, Best Osteopathic Clinic 
Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Awards 2019: Platinum Winner, Best Osteopathic Clinic

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Brittney desantis, R.bie

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Breanne Griffin, RP

As a Registered Psychotherapist, I am dedicated to offering an open, non-judgmental, safe space for people from all walks of life to process their experiences through times of struggle. I believe that your mental, emotional, and physical health are interconnected, meaning that when one area suffers, so does your overall well-being. Specializing in depression, loss, grief and bereavement, relationship issues, perfectionism, inner critic, burnout and stress, and life transitions, I meet you where you’re at and help you get to where you want to be. Despite the misconception that therapy is only meant for those with severe mental illness, therapy can offer anyone insight, support, and strategies to handle life's difficulties.

No matter where you’re at, therapy helps deepen your self-awareness and teaches you how to cope with difficult thoughts, emotions, and reactions. I'm here to help you explore your mental and emotional health with the support of an experienced professional so you can start living your best life. When I’m not at the clinic, I love to bake, share my creations with family and friends, golf, curl, and explore the world from the perspective of a canoe. Plus one time, I went to pick up yarn for a co-worker for a group activity and left the store with knitting needles and yarn for myself. After spending the weekend teaching myself to knit, I now love making knitted items for family and friends!

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Breanne graduated from the University of Toronto with a Master of Education in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy after completing her Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the University of Guelph. She is a member of the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals (OAMHP) and is licensed through the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO).


  • Individual and Couples Therapy Sessions, available in-person and virtually
  • Adult and Adolescent (ages 13+) Therapy Sessions​, available in-person and virtually
  • Please note clinic direct billing is not available for Psychotherapy services. Patients are responsible for paying and submitting themselves if they have coverage.

Professional Affiliations and Recognition

Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals (OAMHP)
College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO)

Academic History

University of Toronto​: Master of Education, Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy
University of Guelph: Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
University of Toronto: Factor-Inwentash School of Social Work and The Canadian Centre for Bereavement Education and Grief Counselling; Bereavement Education Certificate​
Center for Loss and Life Transition: Comprehensive Bereavement Skills Certificate

continuing education

Niagara Regional Native Centre: Cultural Sensitivity Training ​
Living Works: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)​
Hospice Niagara: volunteer at the residence and for the bereavement support programs, including organizing bereavement retreats for youth

Brittney DeSantis, CNP, R. BIE

As a Registered BIE practitioner, I bring a wealth of expertise and a lifelong commitment to the field of natural health.

My passion for holistic health stems from a deep-seated belief in the body's innate ability to heal itself when given the right tools and support. As a Registered BioEnergetics Practitioner and Certified Nutritional Practitioner, I focus on identifying and addressing stressor-related symptoms, digestive issues, and food and environmental intolerances.

My journey began with my own health challenges, which conventional approaches failed to resolve. This personal experience ignited my commitment to helping others find relief and reclaim their vitality through integrative, natural methods. By understanding each individual's unique energy and nutritional needs, I aim to empower my clients to achieve optimal health and well-being.

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Brittney is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and a first-class honour’s graduate from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition.
Brittney co-teaches the BioEnergetics modality throughout the BIE Licensing and Training Program, working closely with it's founders since 2010.


In clinic nutritional consult appointments which focus on bioenergetic intolerance assessment and elimination, supporting all ages and stages of life.
Please note clinic direct billing is not available for BIE and nutritional counselling services.
Patients are responsible for paying and submitting themselves if they have coverage for her nutritionist designation.

Professional Affiliations and Recognition

Brittney is a board member of The Scotty McKay and Friends Foundation, a non-profit organization that raises money to provide natural health care for cancer patients. She currently operates a busy private practice and is the Chief Executive Officer for the Institute of Natural Health Technologies Inc. and BIE Clinics head office in Oakville, Ontario.

Academic History

The Institute of Holistic Nutrition - Certified Nutritional Practitioner Diploma
Institute of Natural Health Technologies - BioEnergetic (BIE) Practitioner certification


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Milena Pavunkovic, Receptionist

For many years, I was a stay-at-home mom to two boys who are now fine young men. Now, I am a part-time receptionist at Hudson Integrative Healthcare ensuring that our patients have a welcoming experience as soon as they come through our doors or call our clinic!

get to know me

Immigrating to Canada in 1989 from Slovenia (formerly Yugoslavia), I enjoy a simple life filled with nature, paddle boarding, swimming, rollerblading, and hiking with my husband. Together, we love to travel to Europe to visit family, relax at the beautiful Adriatic beaches and explore wineries. One day, my goal is to climb the famous mountain in Slovenia called Triglav!

Sean Kosak,
Operations Manager

As the Co-founder and Operations Manager of Hudson Integrative Healthcare, I am focused on ensuring clients have the best possible experience while keeping the clinic operating at its peak potential. Outside of the clinic, I love outdoor activities! From snowmobiling to skiing and skating, you can find me in my winter gear enjoying the best Canadian winters have to offer.

Not only can I ski backwards down the entire ski hill, but I also used to work for the Canadian Ski Patrol System as a first responder focusing on providing emergency first aid and evacuating injured patrons. In the summer months, I enjoy hiking, camping, and going on adventures with my fiance and clinic co-founder Dr Hudson and our dog Lily.

my story

Starting my career over 15 years ago as a sales manager in the sporting goods industry, I moved into different sales and management roles and spent the last decade in commercial financing. Throughout my career, I developed a passion for engaging with and getting to know each of my customers to ensure their expectations are always exceeded.

Julie Papp, Receptionist

Always following my passion in life — from sports to travel, health, and fitness — I am a former business owner and Canadian National gymnast, Certified Level Two Coach with the Canadian National Coaching Association, and official judge within the sport of gymnastics. After coaching and judging the sport for years, my passion for health and wellness led me to the team at Hudson Integrative Healthcare, where I now coordinate client care and manage the office.

get to know me

I enjoy anything active, especially when it’s outdoors, from walking to hiking, biking, and stair climbing. With a love for adventure, trying new things, meeting people, and learning new cultures, I have travelled all over the world: where haven’t I been?! 

Payment Options and Direct Billing

Our clinic accepts Debit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, cash and direct billing to many health insurance plans. If you have a health insurance plan with one of the following providers, our friendly administrative staff are happy to direct bill your visit fee for naturopathic, chiropractic and massage appointments through Telus Health eClaims and Provider Connect:

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Alberta Blue Cross
Beneva by La Capitale
Canada Life
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
Claim Secure
D.A. Townley
Desjardins Insurance
Empire Life
Equitable Life of Canada
First Canadian Insurance Corporation
Green Shield Canada
Industrial Alliance Financial Group
Johnston Group 
Manulife Financial 
Maximum Benefit 
People Corporation
SSQ Financial Group
Sun Life
Union Benefits
UV Insurance

Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural

"I would suggest the professional services of Dr. Melanie as a first resource"

My sister and I have both suffered with consistent and painful indigestion in our adulthood. My sister went to her doctor and was prescribed a medication she has used for nearly 2 years and still struggles to eat meal. I went to Dr. Melanie and was told which vitamins and natural supplements to take. After only 4 months I no longer suffer with the symptoms and my indigestion is gone. The problem wasn't just masked but it was solved with natural products and I would suggest the professional services of Dr. Melanie as a first resource.


"A very welcoming clinic with incredible breadth of services."

A very welcoming clinic with incredible breadth of services. I have had experience with naturopath, acupuncture, chiropractic and massage. All have been delivered capably and professionally. Love this clinic!


"Dr. Hudson is amazing at explaining all your needs."

Awesome clinic, very welcoming and Dr. Hudson is amazing at explaining all your needs, very personable and professional staff. I would highly recommend!


Why Choose Us

Personalized Care
Everyone’s health status is unique, our team of licensed professionals customize their recommendations to suit your specific needs supporting more effective treatments and better outcomes.

Integrated Care Team
Facilitating communication between different healthcare professionals involved in a patient’s care, such as our naturopathic doctors, chiropractors and osteopathic practitioners, can lead to a more coordinated approach in one convenient location.

Open Evenings and Weekends
Offering healthcare services during evenings and weekends can greatly enhance accessibility and convenience for patients. This extended availability can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have busy work schedules, family commitments, or those who may require medical attention outside of typical business hours.

Online Scheduling

Providing an easy-to-use online platform for patients to schedule appointments can reduce wait times and streamline the appointment booking process. It also functions as a patient portal when you can download lab results or supporting resources your provider shares with you, see your invoices,  appointment history and book family members.

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Our Clinic Makes Getting the Care You Need Seamless

Direct Billing
Direct billing simplifies the payment process for patients by allowing healthcare providers to bill insurance companies directly for the services rendered, reducing the financial burden on patients, as they only need to pay their portion of the costs upfront, if applicable, and saves time. Patients don’t need to go through the process of paying upfront, submitting claims themselves, and waiting for reimbursement when their policies accept direct billing through the direct billing services we use.

In-Clinic and Virtual Care Options
Our naturopathic doctors and registered psychotherapist are able to provide consultation services both in-person at our location and remotely through secure phone or video calling to allow for more ease and accessibility of care.

Inside the Clinic: Follow Us on Instagram


Clinic Hours

Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 3pm*



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